airport, network of local airports, hub, low cost, strategyAbstract
The state of aviation of Ukraine in the pre- and post-pandemic period is analyzed. The peculiarities of the development of the existing objects of the aviation infrastructure of Ukraine, including the network of local airports, are determined. Factors influencing the development of state infrastructure in the field of building a network of local airports have been identified. The approach to understanding of networks of local airports as function consisting of such elements as the airport is formed; airline; organization of air traffic and factors of influence: demand for air transportation; geographical resources; technical and technological limitations; economic and organizational requirements; legal requirements; security; ecology; inclusiveness of the territory. A critical and comparative analysis of the strategy of development of the network of local airports of Ukraine on the basis of innovative models: low-cost transportation and organization of hub centers. It was identified that the socio-economic conditions of Ukraine are not favorable for the active development of air transport and the formation of a significant amount of effective demand among the population of Ukraine. The expediency of shifting the vector of aviation infrastructure financing to the development of local airports on the basis of foreign experience in shaping public demand and motivating conditions for the development of air transport on the basis of state financial support, local government financing or attracting investment from private investors. The expediency of financing from the state budget of priority local airports by their classification according to the chosen strategy of aviation infrastructure development in Ukraine, which should be reflected in the mathematical model of decision-making functions.
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