The essence and components of the organizational and economic mechanism of healthcare institutions' energy-saving management



organizational and economic mechanism, energy saving, energy audit


The relentless surge in the cost of energy carriers, coupled with the uncertainty in the reliability and continuity of heat and electricity supply, and the looming environmental issues, all underscore the pressing need for the management of medical institutions to expedite their search for ways to optimize energy and enhance the energy efficiency of all processes at the enterprise.

The purpose of this article is to develop an organizational and economic mechanism for energy-saving management of healthcare facilities and to study its components and functioning.

Healthcare enterprises are relatively energy-intensive, and a significant amount of thermal and electrical energy is spent in them to maintain the parameters and cleanliness of the indoor air, the functioning of medical equipment, and the generation of hot water. The increase in the cost of energy carriers prompts the management of these enterprises to take decisive steps to save energy. However, the approach to energy saving at these enterprises should be complex and scientifically based, taking into account the specifics of the functioning of the medical institution and its energy consumption. For the complex and scientific implementation of energy-saving measures at these enterprises, we offer an organizational and economic management mechanism (OEM) for energy-saving in healthcare facilities. The work examines the essence and components of the managerial and economic mechanism of energy-saving management of healthcare institutions. It is proposed that the mechanism be considered as a set of technical, economic, motivational, and organizational components. The crucial role in the mechanism is assigned to the Department of Energy Management and Energy Audit; the selection of priority energy-saving measures is carried out based on the results of economic and mathematical modelling.

Author Biographies

Viacheslav DZHEDZHULA , Vinnytsia National Technical University

doctor of economic sciences, professor,
Professor of the Department of Finance and Innovation Management

Iryna YEPIFANOVA, Vinnytsia National Technical University

doctor of economic sciences, professor, vice-rector for scientific work

Dmytro SHEVCHUK, Vinnytsia National Technical University



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How to Cite

DZHEDZHULA В., YEPIFANOVA І., & SHEVCHUK Д. (2024). The essence and components of the organizational and economic mechanism of healthcare institutions’ energy-saving management. Innovation and Sustainability, (3), 6–11. Retrieved from





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