Economic interests of the state and other subjects and stakeholders in the development of sports and health activities




economic interests, stakeholders, sports and health activities, state, business entities


Recently, the problem of ensuring the proper state of human health has been increasing. Most scientists perform substantiation and experimentation with sports rehabilitation programs to improve the population's health. This provokes a growing demand for sports and health services among the people. The majority of economic entities in the process of excessive demand for sports and health services found a financial interest in their provision. That is why, in current business conditions, the study of the essence of the concept of "economic interests", and the determination of their importance for the state and other subjects and stakeholders in the development of sports and health activities in Ukraine are pretty relevant.

The essence of the concept of "economic interests" was studied, and their importance for the state and other subjects and stakeholders in the development of sports and health activities in Ukraine was determined. It was determined that "economic interest" includes action, motive, the satisfaction of needs, and awareness of necessity. The author's position is expressed that economic interest is a motive and incentive for steps to obtain financial benefits from the provision of sports and health services and social effects. It was emphasized that economic benefits are received by business entities that provide sports and health services and the state in the form of taxes and fees.

Stakeholders were systematized according to the level of importance and influence for the development of sports and health activities in Ukraine. It was determined that stakeholders should be systematized according to the level of significance and power for developing sports and health activities in Ukraine into primary and secondary. The main ones include stakeholders with high importance and influence (individuals and legal entities; the state; public administration bodies). Secondary stakeholders with a high level of influence and a low level of importance (local public authorities, public organizations), stakeholders with a low level of power, but a high level of significance (owners of enterprises, institutions, organizations providing sports and health services; scientific and educational institutions; investment companies), stakeholders with a low level of influence and a low level of importance (information centers (platforms), financial organizations).


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How to Cite

Romanenko С. (2022). Economic interests of the state and other subjects and stakeholders in the development of sports and health activities. Innovation and Sustainability, (2), 163–170.





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