



womenʼs entrepreneurship, implementation mechanisms, women in business, gender equality, project activity, support tools, development institutions, financial support, risks in womenʼs entrepreneurship


Features of the formation of womenʼs entrepreneurship and support mechanisms in the conditions of global challenges and martial law are presented. It is noted that virtual and augmented reality, martial law in Ukraine is forming a new Ukrainian woman-leader, a woman-entrepreneur of a new generation, namely a business person who is oriented and focused on success in business achieved by her own efforts. The characteristic features of female entrepreneurs opening their own businesses in Ukraine were revealed and the number of female directors and male managers of companies in Ukraine from 2016 to 2022 was analyzed, which made it possible to talk about the following trend: in 5 months of 2023, almost half of new small businesses are female in Ukraine; mostly Ukrainian women entrepreneurs are sole owners of one enterprise; according to the form of management, womenʼs entrepreneurship is a private enterprise, micro and small business.

Stereotypical and traditional features of men and women that determine their ability to conduct business are presented. The tools and mechanisms that will allow to speed up the formation of womenʼs business in Ukraine have been identified. A list of all existing state authorities and organizations supporting women and womenʼs entrepreneurship in Ukraine under martial law is given. The content of womenʼs entrepreneurship is revealed. The fact that this enterprise expects support from local and interstate organizations interested in the prosperity of womenʼs businesses and increased tax revenues for budgets of all levels was noted. It is small business that makes it possible to overcome unemployment, creates new jobs, and forms the solvency of the population. A list of business ideas for women that are interesting and promising in terms of implementation in crisis conditions is indicated, including the confectionery business, coaching, the field of childrenʼs goods and providing services to educational children, the establishment of marketing agencies. Sites and resources are highlighted where you can find the necessary information with the help of which there is an opportunity to develop womenʼs businesses.

The authors of the article defend the scientific position that Ukrainian women are the most progressive group, because it is they who most likely receive higher education, create public organizations and start successful businesses. Ukrainian women are creative, innovative and efficient business owners and, as a rule, run a fairly profitable business. They are not afraid of hard work, persistent, smart, intelligent, balanced, purposeful, overcome obstacles with optimism regardless of their level of complexity. Creatively and creatively solve urgent problems of their business and immediately find several options for their solution. It is expected that the popularization of womenʼs entrepreneurship will help to slow down the impoverishment of the population as a result of the war, help to overcome poverty, and improve the well-being of the family.


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How to Cite

Kraus Н. ., Kraus К. ., & Pochenchuk Г. . (2023). WOMEN’S ENTREPRENEURSHIP: RISKS, SUPPORT TOOLS, IMPLEMENTATION MECHANISMS. Innovation and Sustainability, (2), 46–59. https://doi.org/10.31649/ins.2023.2.46.59





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