Features of anti-crisis management of domestic enterprises





crisis, financial crisis, management


In modern conditions, the socio-economic situation of Ukraine is characterized by significant variability and unpredictability. The activity of business entities takes place in the absence of timely and accurate information about all the consequences of management decisions and possible further changes in the operating environment. It is important for enterprises to organize an effective crisis management system. The purpose of the article is to systematize approaches to determining the essence and features of anti-crisis management of domestic enterprises.

This work systematizes approaches to determining the essence of anti-crisis management of industrial enterprises. Approaches to defining the essence of anti-crisis management are summarized. The systematization of existing approaches to determining the essence of anti-crisis management made it possible to define anti-crisis management as management aimed at avoiding and neutralizing signs of crisis in the economic activity of enterprises, as well as at adapting the management system to changes in the external environment of the enterprise, which will contribute to sustainable development.

Factors that cause crisis phenomena at industrial enterprises are systematized in terms of internal and external influence. The main components of the anti-crisis management system are summarized: functions, principles. The main functions of anti-crisis management are planning, organization, motivation, and control. The main goals of anti-crisis management are divided into organizational, production, financial, personnel, sales, marketing, and innovation.

It was determined that according to the presence of signs of crisis, the anti-crisis management of the enterprise is divided into active and passive; depending on the specifics of the development and state of the enterprise, anti-crisis management is divided into preventive, crisis and post-crisis management.


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How to Cite

Bolotnov Д. (2022). Features of anti-crisis management of domestic enterprises. Innovation and Sustainability, (2), 171–176. https://doi.org/10.31649/ins.2022.2.171.176





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