


management, customer with dysfunction, health organization, social exclusion


Any of health organization must be create a good relation not only inside of organization but mostly with all of them from outside of organization. One of them is a patient, by author is named “customer” because for every person for health organization is going money that affects the proper functioning of the hospital. Decision makers within the system are constantly required to make choices, as well as seek alternative ways to measure the unit costs of illness. One of the factors that makes it difficult to optimize the scope of health services is the phenomenon of social exclusion, which is increasingly affecting society. The author intends to demonstrate the links between social exclusion and the higher costs of treating customers belonging to this social sector, unlike other customers who are neither unemployed nor live in poverty.


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How to Cite

Kesy, M., & Steleżuk, . M. Łukasz. (2023). MANAGEMENT OF CUSTOMER WITH DYSFUNCTION OF SOCIAL IN HEALTH ORGANIZATIONS. Innovation and Sustainability, (1), 26–32.





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