marketing psychology, consumer motivation, psychology of consumer behavior, psychology of seller behavior, sales psychologyAbstract
In the article, the author expressed the opinion that among the main motives that prompt an individual to take actions such as making purchases, it is worth mentioning the motive of acquiring a new one, the words of stability, the motive of independence, the motive of justice, the motive of competitiveness, desire, inclination, urges, needs, complexity, motive of self-affirmation. The client’s motivational chain “needs – desires – satisfaction” is presented. It was determined that it is characterized by such process components as needs, desires, tensions, actions, results and satisfaction. It is argued by the study of the article that the principles of marketing psychology in virtual reality should include gaining trust, using empathy, studying people, persuading the client, showing care and respect on the part of the seller, charisma, and perfect oratorical skills.
The opinion is expressed that today the skills of cross-cultural communication and interaction are necessary for both marketers and sellers. The author presents methods that should be used in marketing psychology in the virtual reality of business, namely: working with emotions, the application of conversational techniques, the application of body language, determining the main channel of client communication, the feeling of ownership, the use of “Socratic dialogue”. It is noted that the so-called “cold sales”, which are primarily based on the basics of marketing psychology, are gaining popularity today.
As a result of the study, it was found that modern brands use psychology to attract the attention of consumers and motivate them in every way to buy. Thus, the following principles are included in the strategies of entrepreneurial activity: the phenomenon of Baader-Meinhof or “Illusion of frequency”, the power of images and stories, anthropomorphism, the lure effect, fear of loss. The actual understanding of marketing psychology is given, under which it is proposed to understand some branch of applied psychology, which studies determinants that influence the attitude of customers to certain goods and their instant encouragement to buy.
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