circular economy, transformation model, ecological system, project life cycle, project phasesAbstract
The purpose of the article is to study the specific features of the life cycle and products of the ecological system project in the context of the transformational model of the circular economy, and also determining the differences between product life cycles in the linear and circular economy.
As a result of the study, a transformational model of the ecological system project life cycle is presented, which includes the traditional pre-investment, investment, operational and ecologically oriented regenerative and revitalization phases. The phases of the life cycle of a circular economy project do not exclude the possibility of proceeding sequentially or overlapping, and are also divided into stages during which intermediate results are generated. The necessity of activation of circular processes and theoretical rethinking of end-of-life phases and extraction of raw materials by including them in the product life cycle is proved. A functional diagram of relationships in the conceptual model of the circular economy has been formed, which complements the theoretical foundations of the concept with types and forms of circularity of the relevant phases of the product life cycle.
The scientific novelty consists in defining the features and providing the characteristics of the life cycle of the circular economy project and justification of the project approach, which involves dividing the life cycle of the project into phases that are characterized by obtaining a certain product. Also in the study of the conceptual provisions of the circular economy and the systematization of the theoretical foundations of the formation of a transformational model of the project life cycle.
The practical value lies in the expansion of the toolset for the development of project management models and methods, including the life cycle model of the circular economy project and the determination of the relationships between its time parameters.
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