communication, management, information, communication strategies, European integrationAbstract
The paper analyzes current problems and potential opportunities for the formation and implementation of communication strategies by Ukrainian enterprises in European economic integration. It is customary to develop a communication strategy following the critical objectives of the company to promote close and effective communication between the company and stakeholders. The key stages of the development of communication strategies of enterprises are analyzed. The critical socio-economic elements of communication systems of enterprises are characterized. The comparative characteristic of electronic and traditional (verbal/printed) communication types of enterprises under European integration conditions is formed. The interpretation and understanding of the management of the majority of Ukrainian enterprises of the concept of integrated communications is studied. Several factors (factors) that are significant obstacles to applying the concept of integrated communications have been identified. The importance of traditional communication tools of the enterprise is analyzed. It is established that they are not able to cover absolutely all contact audiences fully, stakeholders to ensure a high level of efficiency in the implementation of communication strategies of the enterprise. It is substantiated that the constant scientific and technical development of technologies encourages the use of the latest communication tools, creative approaches, and creativity. Innovative communication tools are systematized. It is established that analysis, monitoring, research of application of information, communication technologies in the management system of Ukrainian enterprises will increase the level of objectivity of assessment, establish a measure of realizing the potential of info-communication management of enterprise personnel to achieve the main goals of the enterprise.
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