National models of investment activity regulation and their impact on the country's investment attractiveness



investment, regulation of investment activity, investment attractiveness, investment climate, state investment policy


The need to restore Ukraine's economy after the war, rebuild infrastructure and ensure the normal functioning of Ukrainian enterprises requires an increase in domestic and foreign investment. The basis for attracting investment is the creation of a favourable investment climate, increasing investment attractiveness and developing a government investment attraction strategy that would ensure stability and guarantees for investors. The national model of state regulation of investment activity, which is chosen by the country, plays an important role in this.

The purpose of the article is to substantiate the main characteristics and principles of national models of investment activity regulation in countries around the world, and to identify the advantages of investment policy that can be used in Ukraine's economy.

The authors have analyzed the results of the implementation of the state investment policy based on the assessment of changes in the investment attractiveness of countries of the world by such indicators as the Country Investment Attractiveness Index, the Foreign Direct Investment Confidence Index, and the FDI Inflow and Outflow Growth Rate. This allowed us to establish that the leading countries in terms of these indicators are the United States, China, Germany, Canada, Japan, the United Kingdom, and France, and to conclude that the model of investment regulation chosen by the government affects its investment attractiveness.

The article has substantiated the main characteristics of national models of investment activity regulation in developed countries and countries that have used their experience in the State investment policy. The regulatory models of the USA, China, Great Britain, Germany, France and Japan has been analyzed, their features and differences are highlighted. It is found that these countries have developed a system of measures to stimulate domestic and foreign investment and have the largest volumes of invested and attracted investments in the world economy. The main features and differences of the investment regulation models of Austria, the Netherlands, Kazakhstan, and Armenia, whose governments formulate investment policy based on the experience of the world investment market leaders, are considered. The authors have identified the possibilities of using national models of investment regulation in developed countries for the Ukrainian economy.

Author Biographies

Viktoriia SMIESOVA, Dnipro University of Technology

Doctor of Economics, Full Professor, Professor of the Department of Economic Theory and International Economic Relations

Yevhen YASKOV, Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro

PhD candidate in Economics

Anna GALIZOVA, Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro

bachelor's degree


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How to Cite

SMIESOVA В., YASKOV Є., & GALIZOVA А. (2024). National models of investment activity regulation and their impact on the country’s investment attractiveness. Innovation and Sustainability, (3), 12–26. Retrieved from





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