Features of the youth labor market after the invasion of russia in Ukraine and ways to improve the youth labor force in the post-war period



labor market, youth, youth policy, state policy, legislative support, wages, strategy, war


The article examines the role of youth in shaping the labor market in Ukraine in the context of military challenges. It is established that Ukraine is going through difficult times, fighting against Russian aggression and occupation, which is manifested in economic, human, infrastructural, and environmental losses for Ukraine. It is determined that modern youth policy is manifested through the following areas: organizational, social, humanitarian and political, which makes it possible to realize the relevant potential of young people, and modern youth activities make it possible to form a new state policy on a qualitative basis. Particular attention is paid to the issue of the ability of young people to respond to modern challenges and needs of the time, as many young people in the context of hostilities continue to work actively, despite all the difficulties that exist in terms of security, logistics, social security, etc. It has also been determined that youth organizations abroad also actively assist in organizing political, humanitarian and human rights events for both refugees and Ukraine as a whole. It is found that the program activities, projects, and volunteer initiatives of modern youth will play an important role in imitating their patriotism, activity, organization, self-sacrifice, and motivation for future generations of Ukrainians and can be used in the formation of youth work for the next periods.

Author Biographies

Liubomyr MYKHAILICHENKO, Zaporizhzhia National University

head of material service (logistics) of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, master of specialty 051 Economics, 
educational program "Рersonnel management and labor economics"

Iryna DASHKO, Zaporizhzhia National University

doctor of economic sciences, professor, professor of the department of personnel management and marketing

Oleksandr CHEREP, Zaporizhzhia National University

doctor of economic sciences, professor, professor of the department of personnel management and marketing


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How to Cite

MYKHAILICHENKO Л., DASHKO І., & CHEREP О. (2024). Features of the youth labor market after the invasion of russia in Ukraine and ways to improve the youth labor force in the post-war period. Innovation and Sustainability, (3), 27–33. Retrieved from https://ins.vntu.edu.ua/index.php/ins/article/view/273





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