Impact of a full-scale invasion on the insurance market in Ukraine



insurance market, insurance companies, risk management, insurance, government regulation, international support, economic challenges, market recovery


The article is dedicated to analyzing the impact of Russia's full-scale invasion on Ukraine's insurance market and outlines the main challenges faced by the industry during the war. The study revealed significant changes in the life, property, auto, and health insurance segments. The military actions led to widespread infrastructure destruction, a decline in economic activity, and a decrease in the purchasing power of both individuals and businesses, which significantly affected the insurance market. Insurance companies were forced to adapt their products to the new realities while simultaneously increasing payouts, particularly in the property and life insurance sectors, due to high loss rates.

Special attention is given to the role of government regulation in supporting the insurance market. The government implemented legislative changes to reduce pressure on insurance companies and simplify the conditions for their operations. International support is also highlighted, which helped Ukrainian insurers maintain financial stability, especially through reinsurance and access to resources from international financial organizations. Additionally, potential recovery scenarios for the insurance market after the end of hostilities were forecasted. Among the key recovery prospects is the expected growth in demand for insurance products, particularly in the property, business, and life insurance segments. The importance of integrating Ukraine’s insurance market with the European market is also emphasized, which will create new opportunities for investment, improve insurance services, and enhance technology.

The article highlights the long-term effects of the war on Ukraine's insurance market and the possibilities for its development during post-war reconstruction. The recovery process will involve not only restoring the market to pre-war levels but also introducing new insurance products aimed at protecting against emerging risks, including natural disasters and cyber risks.

Author Biographies

Liudmyla TKACHUK, Vinnytsia National Technical University

candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, associate professor of the Department of Finance and Innovation Management

Oleksandra KRAUS, Vinnytsia National Technical University

student of the Faculty of Management and Information Security



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How to Cite

TKACHUK Л. ., & KRAUS О. (2024). Impact of a full-scale invasion on the insurance market in Ukraine. Innovation and Sustainability, (3), 34–44. Retrieved from





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