

investments, agro-industrial complex, Poland, Ukraine, investment climate, factors


The article examines the peculiarities of investing in the agro-industrial complex (AIC) of Poland and Ukraine, carries out a comparative analysis of the investment climate in both countries, identifies key factors affecting the attractiveness of the agro-industrial complex for investors. The agro-industrial complex (AIC) of Ukraine and Poland has significant potential for investment. Both countries have fertile lands, a favorable climate and a skilled workforce, which makes them attractive to investors seeking high returns on their investments. The agro-industrial complex (AIC) plays a significant role in the economies of Poland and Ukraine. Ensuring food security and sustainable development of rural areas makes it urgent to study the investment attractiveness of the agricultural sector of these countries. Investing in the agricultural sector is the key to the development of the economy of any country.

The purpose of the article "Ukrainian and Polish екутві for investment in the agro-industrial complex" was to review the investment potential, identify promising areas for investment, and explore ways to promote the development of Ukrainian-Polish cooperation. The priority directions of national policies regarding the support of agriculture, rural areas and agrarian markets of Ukraine and Poland were considered. A comparative analysis of the state and ways of realizing the competitive advantages of the agricultural sectors of the two neighboring states was made. In the article, a comprehensive assessment of the comparison of investments in the agro-industrial complex of Poland and Ukraine was carried out, key factors affecting the trends of their change were determined. It was determined that the markets of agricultural products are affected by macroeconomic disturbances. The use of Polish experience in agrarian policy is very important for the European integration process of Ukraine.

The relevance of the mentioned problem is highlighted, because the solution of investment issues will allow to overcome the crisis phenomena in the agro-industrial complex, to restore its production capital, to increase production, and to make Ukrainian products more competitive. This, in turn, will contribute to solving the socio-economic problems of the industry. The formation of a socially oriented market economy in Ukraine is impossible without the reorganization of the agricultural sector, including at the expense of investments.

Author Biographies

Anna LEVCHUK, Franklin Templeton Investments

Global data exchange specialist

Dmytro YURCHYSHEN, Advertiv LTD

Facebook Media Buyer (Search Division)


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How to Cite

LEVCHUK, A., & YURCHYSHEN, D. (2024). UKRAINIAN AND POLISH TRENDS FOR INVESTMENT IN AN AGRICULTURAL COMPLEX. Innovation and Sustainability, (3), 61–67. Retrieved from





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