Marketing of innovations of engineering enterprises



marketing, innovation, mechanical engineering, technologies, equipment


The paper reveals the existing weakening of the positions of machine-building enterprises on the market, which is caused by a decrease in the competitiveness of their products, which is associated with the absence of innovative processes. The main arguments regarding the expediency of innovations by machine-building enterprises have been revealed. The factors that determine marketing measures to create the necessary conditions for finding productive changes at machine-building enterprises have been determined. The peculiarities of the implementation of machine-building products, which affect measures of innovation marketing, have been revealed. Circumstances determining the application of marketing innovations in the machine-building industry have been established. The discrepancy between the measures of innovation marketing applied by machine-building enterprises and the general development trends of the machine-building industry in the world was revealed. The main directions of development and the leading directions of production of machine-building enterprises are determined, among which the most important are the production of electric vehicles, nanoengineering, the use of online applications in machine-building, the comprehensive autonomy of the use of artificial intelligence, the use of "big data" in machine-building, increasing the level of complexity of machine-building products, the application of the concept "digital double" etc. It has been proven that the orientation of marketing innovations on such leading areas of production can provide machine-building enterprises with active development. The article emphasizes that the use of innovations in mechanical engineering becomes an exclusive necessity, which prevents the risks of losing relevance in the market of modern industry. It has been established that modern trends in technological innovations have already created new business models and opportunities for mechanical engineering, following which determines the future prospects of development and work in the market of mechanical engineering products.

Author Biography

Anna VITIUK, Vinnytsia National Technical University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Management, Marketing and Economics


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How to Cite

VITIUK А. (2024). Marketing of innovations of engineering enterprises. Innovation and Sustainability, (3), 83–89. Retrieved from





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