Principles of organization of partnership relations between business and government in the field of energy security of Ukraine
principles, energy security measures, energy efficiency, cost analysis, sustainable developmentAbstract
Introduction. The organization of partnership relations between the state and business in the field of energy security of Ukraine requires a comprehensive approach based on joint responsibility, transparency, mutually beneficial cooperation and innovative development. The main principles of interaction between the state and business in the field of energy security are the principle of joint responsibility; the principle of transparency and openness; the principle of mutually beneficial cooperation; the principle of sustainable development; the principle of innovativeness; principle of legal regulation; the principle of cyber security; the principle of adaptability. The implementation of these principles will ensure the stability of the country's energy system, contribute to the attraction of investments in the field of renewable energy and increase national security as a whole. Each country has developed its own approaches to the organization of partnership between business and government in the field of energy security, has its own peculiarities in the management of the energy sector, depending on political, economic and geographical factors. How successfully companies will be able to join forces with the state and public organizations in the formation of an active social development strategy will depend on the competitiveness and efficiency of the business itself. Individual states are gradually losing the ability to independently form internal socio-economic policies, giving way to transnational corporations.
Purpose. The purpose of this study is to form a system of principles of effective partnership between business and government in the field of energy security of Ukraine based on the methodology of developed countries of the world.
Materials and methods. The methodology of this study is based on a comprehensive approach that covers theoretical and practical aspects of interaction between business and government in the field of energy security of Ukraine. To achieve the goals of the study, a number of methods were used to examine partnerships between the public and private sectors at various levels, as well as to investigate their impact on the country's energy security.
The results. The main principles of interaction between the state and business in the field of energy security are the principle of joint responsibility; the principle of transparency and openness; the principle of mutually beneficial cooperation; the principle of sustainable development; the principle of innovativeness; principle of legal regulation; the principle of cyber security; the principle of adaptability. The first stage of the research was the development of existing theories and concepts on energy security, as well as the interaction between business and the state in economic and social processes. An important aspect of this stage is the analysis of the legal framework of Ukraine, which regulates energy issues and partnership relations between the public and private sectors. Attention was paid to regulatory documents such as the "Law of Ukraine on Energy", as well as international agreements and standards that affect the energy sector of Ukraine.
The theoretical analysis also covered the study of scientific works of domestic and foreign researchers on energy security, public-private partnership (PPP) models in different countries and their effectiveness in the context of energy strategies.
The application of a systemic approach allowed considering energy security as a multifactorial process covering political, economic, technical and environmental aspects. This approach contributed to the identification of the main elements of energy security and the interaction between business and government, which affect the development of the energy sector. The system analysis made it possible to consider the energy security of Ukraine as a component of national security, as well as to assess the role of the partnership between the state and business in this process. In particular, an analysis of energy threats, possible scenarios for the development of the energy sector of Ukraine and potential ways of overcoming them through cooperation between the state and the private sector was carried out.
Empirical data was used to analyze real examples of partnership between business and the state in the field of energy security of Ukraine. In particular, an analysis of successful PPP projects in the energy sector, such as the construction and modernization of energy infrastructure, the introduction of renewable energy sources and the improvement of energy efficiency, was carried out.
The method of comparative analysis was used to assess the effectiveness of partnership relations between business and government. In particular, the experience of the countries of the European Union in the field of partnership organization in the energy sector was analyzed. Particular attention is paid to countries with similar conditions to Ukraine, such as Poland and Lithuania, as well as their models of cooperation between state structures and business to ensure energy independence. The comparison made it possible to single out the key aspects of a successful partnership and identify the main problems that stand in the way of implementing effective PPPs in Ukraine, in particular, the issues of corruption, bureaucracy and the lack of clear control mechanisms for project implementation.
Prospects. Strengthening energy security requires an effective partnership between the state and business, as both parties play a key role in the development, implementation and maintenance of infrastructure and strategies,
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