intellectual capital, structural capital, innovation, environment of creativity, heterarchy, organizational interaction, synergy of diversityAbstract
The article specifies the main directions of innovative changes in business models and business processes of domestic industrial corporations in order to preserve their ability to enter global chains of consumer value creation during the recovery period. According to modern views on the significance of individual components of intellectual capital in the formation of the competitiveness of business entities, creativity is highlighted in their totality, the author's interpretation of the potential of creativity is proposed, and its place in the management system of the competitiveness of an industrial company is determined. The creativity potential of an economic organization is proposed to be considered as its ability to accumulate the necessary amount of intellectual resources for generating creative (non-standard) ideas sufficient for the formation of an effective business model of economic activity in the current and strategically forecasted business environment, while showing creativity in the development of structural capital and relationship capital. It is argued that the organizational and structural conditions for realizing the creative potential of industrial corporations are radical decentralization of management, which is built on the principles of heterarchical organizational structuring. Based on a comparison of the characteristics of organizational "hierarchy" and "heterarchy", their fundamental differences in management approaches are illustrated. The peculiarities of heterarchy as an effective form of increasing the potential of creativity and forming an environment of active innovative search in the organizational shell of corporate and other integrated structures are highlighted.
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