Model of intellectual decision support for assessment of the housing fund
potential, energy audit, energy saving, heat pump, profitabilityAbstract
The question of taking into account the totality of quantitative and qualitative factors influencing the choice of the optimal investment solution for the search for optimal ways of modernization and restoration of the housing stock requires detailed research.
The work developed a model of intellectual decision-making support for finding optimal ways to modernize and restore the housing fund.
The housing market of Ukraine needs restoration and modernization. Even the houses that were not damaged as a result of hostilities, the overwhelming majority still need certain modernization measures, this is, first of all, thermal modernization of buildings, replacement of heating and heat supply systems, modernization of electrical systems and elevators, replacement of water supply and sewage systems, etc. All activities require very significant funds, which residents usually do not have. Physical wear and tear, damage as a result of military operations, moral aging of the housing stock require reasonable actions from the owners of housing in choosing ways to solve the problems of their housing. The selection of a priority set of measures for the restoration and modernization of the housing stock must be done comprehensively, taking into account qualitative and quantitative factors, which can be divided into three groups - economic, technical, and operational.
Factors influencing the value of the indicator of investment attractiveness of the measure for the restoration and modernization of the housing stock are determined. According to the values of the proposed indicator, it is possible to rank the proposed measures in the order of their comprehensive investment attractiveness and choose only that measure or set of measures that have the highest values of the indicator and their total need for investment does not exceed the available financial resources.
Official website of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine. Available at:
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