:management mechanism, potential, innovative potential, innovative development, development managementAbstract
The paper substantiates the relevance of problems regarding the formation and development of the enterprise innovative potential as a system indicator that characterizes the level of its efficiency in the implementation of the innovative development strategy. In order to determine the specific features of the formation of the business entity’s innovative potential, the article examines the main approaches of domestic and foreign scientists regarding the definition of this concept essence. The work summarized the approaches of foreign researchers to defining the essence of the innovative potential concept in three groups. Based on the results of the analysis and generalization of existing approaches to determining the essence of innovation potential, as well as from the standpoint of the statement that the constant development of innovation potential enables the business entity to obtain competitive advantages, solve production problems and take a stable competitive position on the market, the work improved the conceptual and terminological apparatus by defining the essence of the enterprise innovative potential, as a system of interconnected scientific and technical, technological, personnel, financial, material, human resources and intangible components (the readiness and ability of the enterprise and its management potential), which allows to ensure creation and implementation of innovations, and their further transformation into the final innovative product or service, which, in turn, comprehensively ensures sustainable innovative development of the enterprise. On the basis of the study of the formation peculiarities of the enterprise innovative potential in the conditions of a dynamic environment, the article develops the conceptual foundations of managing the development of innovative potential in the part of the development of a scientific and methodological approach, which provides for the presence of a flexible system of adaptation to changes in external and internal conditions in the process of developing and implementing innovations, and also takes into account the dependence and interrelationship of the development goals of innovative potential from the development and operation goals of the enterprise and the set of tasks, methods and tools and methodical and information management support for the development of the innovative enterprise potential.
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