personnel, personnel potential, professional and qualification competencies of personnel, leadership skills, personnel potential of an agrarian enterpriseAbstract
Different authors and researchers describe personnel potential in different ways, noting those aspects of personnel that are relevant to them. The disadvantage of this approach is that the content of this potential is lost. A review of the research made it possible to identify four approaches to the study of the content of personnel potential: according to the subject component or characteristics of full-time employees; resource, which considers personnel potential from the point of view of existing and potential personnel, creative, personal, etc.; competence, which relies on knowledge, abilities and skills, social qualities of employees; socio-psychological. In particular, researchers do not focus on the managerial, leadership and mentoring skills of the research personnel. Turning to representatives of agribusiness, one of the significant shortcomings of project management in the agricultural sector is lack of project management techniques, ignorance of the subject area, insufficiently developed communication functions. That is why, in the course of researching the etymology and content of "personnel", we consider it important to clarify "personnel" through the professional and qualification competences of personnel, leadership skills, the ability to take control of the process (management competence), the ability to form skills, teach, instruct, prepare others (mentoring competence), the ability to unite, form relationships, connections (communication competence). In the mention of "personnel" one can hear about the "personnel" feeling of personnel, personnel value, personnel potential, which should be revealed in order to investigate the development of the personnel potential of an agricultural enterprise.
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