strategically important enterprises, state regulatory policy, institutional support, national interests, national economy, securityAbstract
The article is devoted to the problems of improving the institutional support of the state regulatory policy in the aspect of strengthening the security of strategically important enterprises of Ukraine in the conditions of martial law. It is proved that in times of war, the problem of identification of strategically important enterprises and formation of institutional support for their security at the state level is of particular relevance and requires the development of effective forms of implementation of the state regulatory policy in this area. A constructive analysis of the current legislation and scientific approaches to the definition of the category of "strategically important enterprises" was carried out, and an author's definition was proposed, which, unlike the existing ones, focuses on the qualitative characteristics of business entities that should be classified as strategically important. It is substantiated that the basis for the development of effective forms of implementation of state regulatory policy in the direction of ensuring the security of strategically important enterprises is the presence of an effective institutional environment. From the standpoint of the institutional approach, the conceptual foundations of institutional support of state regulatory policy are deepened. It was established that the institutional environment for ensuring the security of strategically important enterprises in Ukraine is underdeveloped. The author identifies the need to improve the current legislation, to form an effective institutional and organizational support and to cluster the national economy on the basis of strategically important enterprises with the possibility of forming integrated corporate structures as the basis for the formation of effective forms of implementation of the state regulatory policy to support and strengthen the security of strategically important enterprises.
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