migration, war, institutional support, politics, Ukraine, resources, theory, approachAbstract
The paper substantiates that the institutional provision of the state policy of migration processes management – one of the key system-forming factors and a prerequisite for ensuring proper efficiency of regulation of migration of the population and its consequences – consists in combining a full-fledged system of institutions and institutions, the functioning of which ensures the definition and observance of rules of conduct, directing the relevant trends in the desired direction. Particularly significant is the role of institutions in the system of state management of migration processes, which act as actors – generators of institutions and carriers of their capabilities. Institutional support is formed in three areas: (1) institutional and legal, (2) institutional-organizational and (3) institutional-psychological.
The strategic tasks of improving the institutional support of the state policy of migration processes management in Ukraine are determined: formation of the regulatory background of the state policy, development of the system of strategizing and planning the course of migration processes, formation of the organizational structure of management, increasing the efficiency of the state regulation of migration abroad, establishing proper accounting and statistical support, realization of the potential of subjects civil society and big business, balance and efficiency of the system of elements of the migration services market, development of migration capital market infrastructure, formation of information and psychological environment of migration activity of the population. Achieving certain tasks requires the implementation of a system of coordinated measures.
Applied instruments of state policy of modernization of the institutional environment for regulating migration processes are differentiated from existing developments (1) structuring in areas of support – institutional and legal, institutional and organizational (state, public and market), institutional and psychological; (2) the system of institutional support is formed according to certain strategic directions of development of the national economy; (3) measures to regulate external migration are defined in the projection of eliminating current shortcomings of the state policy of migration management and overcoming its consequences for the socio-economic development of the country;
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