financial literacy, digital financial literacy, digital financial risks, digital footprint, financial products and servicesAbstract
This article is dedicated to the topic of financial literacy and its development in the context of the digitization of financial services. Traditional financial literacy is insufficient for effectively utilizing financial resources in today's digital world. The concept of digital financial literacy is introduced. It combines the skills of using financial services and the use of digital technologies. In the article is proposed authors’ definition of digital financial literacy by components, which include awareness of digital financial products and services, awareness of potential digital financial risks, control over them, and knowledge of the rights of consumers of financial services. These components are crucial for the development of digital financial literacy. The article highlights potential security risks, such as digital fraud, technical failures, and excessive reliance on digital services. The importance of understanding digital footprint and online reputation is emphasized. The article provides simple principles to help users protect their personal information and avoid fraud. It explains the need for understanding consumer rights and compensation procedures to enable individuals to protect their rights. Understanding these aspects of digital financial literacy is essential for effectively managing financial resources in today's digital world. Research conducted in 2021 showed that technology users have a higher level of financial literacy compared to those who do not use technology. However, the overall level of financial literacy in Ukraine is still insufficient for making informed financial decisions. The National Bank of Ukraine, the Ministry of Digital Transformation and other international, governmental, and non-governmental organizations are focusing on the development of financial literacy among the population. It is recommended to focus on the development of digital financial literacy, using communication campaigns, sharing information about providers of digital financial services, financial education initiatives, and awareness-raising about digital crimes and consumer rights in financial services.
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