Circular Economy, Environmental Performance Index, Hi-Tech Export, Education Index, CorrelationAbstract
Cyclic economy or closed-loop economy compared to the linear economy is synonymous with innovations based on the use of renewable energy sources. Circular economy is aimed at changing the classic linear model of the economy in such a way as to minimize waste and emissions throughout the product's life cycle. The paper focused to the analysis of the circular economy development level and its elements, as well as analysis of the comparison of various indices characterized human wellbeing, hi-tech export for top-20 countries in the ranking and Ukraine. The method of correlation and regression analysis used in the study. The results of the study revealed a significant dependence between the High-tech export index and Environmental Performance index, Education Index and Environmental Performance index. This confirmed an assumption on the significant impact of the population erudition level to the readiness of the society for resource saving, as well as it affects the environment and energy saving innovative options implementation. Education can contribute to the rapid expansion of the circular economy concept.
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