Innovative tools for the formation and implementation of the logistics mechanism of development and ensuring the economic security of the enterprise




enterprise management, innovation instruments, security of development, logistics, logistics mechanism, formation and implementation


The research focuses on aspects of the formation and implementation of the logistics mechanism of the enterprise's development. The purpose of the study is to improve innovative tools for the formation and implementation of the logistics mechanism of enterprise development. It has been proven that the logistics system plays an important and one of the leading roles in the steady and stable functioning and development of domestic enterprises. It is shown that an important task for business is, first, strategic and tactical planning of the formation and implementation of the logistics mechanism of development; secondly, coordination of tasks and means of ensuring the development of the logistics system and strengthening the security of business development. The prospects for the application of innovative tools in the system of formation and implementation of the logistic mechanism of business development, oriented at the same time to strengthening the security of the sustainable development of the enterprise, are indicated. It was concluded that the possibilities and prospects of using innovative tools during the formation and implementation of the logistics mechanism of the enterprise are critically important. It has been proven that the role of information and communication technologies in these processes is particularly important, which open up new opportunities for the enterprise, in particular in the areas of: quick access to information, as well as markets and consumers of products (services); image formation in online applications and social networks; operational identification of the main stakeholders of the logistics processes of the enterprise; realizing the potential of Internet logistics and marketing and the absence of borders for communication and interaction; online transfer of financial transactions; growth of virtual deliveries and trade settlement operations.

Author Biography


candidate of economic sciences, head of the procurement department


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How to Cite

GUBAREV Р. (2024). Innovative tools for the formation and implementation of the logistics mechanism of development and ensuring the economic security of the enterprise. Innovation and Sustainability, (2), 76–81.





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