Modeling the business process of the procedure for submitting documents for state attestation in the context of digitalization



BPMN, business process, State attestation, Higher Education Institutions, Scientific Institutions, regulatory act, NAUKA


The work analyzed regulatory legal acts and that regulates relations on issues of State attestation, including draft. Two groups of acts have been identified for State attestations conducted in the past. The analysis of the groups showed the specificity of the procedures for Scientific Institutions and Higher Education Institutions, the presence of different input data, different architectures of expert environments, and the format of the results. Separate systems with different levels of automation were also used. Currently, a common pool of normative legal acts regarding State attestation is being formed for all types of institutions in a specified scientific direction. In the acts, attention is focused on the State attestation system, which in the structure of the National Electronic Scientific Information System, NAUKA is defined as a functional module for the State attestation. As part of the development of this module business process (BPMN 2.0 notation) for the submission by Scientific Institutions and Higher Education Institutions of applications, informational materials, and other documents to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine was built. When modeling the procedure, integration with other NAUKA modules is ensured, which will not only simplify the submission of documents, filling in information, but also allow the accumulation of current information about institutions. Also, during the construction of the business process, inconsistencies and inaccuracies were found in the projects of normative legal acts regarding the procedural aspects of State attestation. Variants of their elimination are implemented in the built business process and described in the materials of proposals with justifications for the relevant drafts within the framework of public discussion.

Author Biographies

Iryna DOHTIEVA, State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine

Researcher of the Department of Support and Development of the National Electronic Scientific Information System

Serhii ZHARINOV, State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine

Senior Researcher of the Department of Support and Development of the National Electronic Scientific Information System

Oleksii KRASOVSKYI, State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine

PhD in Pedagogy, Lead Researcher of the Department of Support and Development of the National Electronic Scientific Information System


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How to Cite

DOHTIEVA І., ZHARINOV С., & KRASOVSKYI О. (2024). Modeling the business process of the procedure for submitting documents for state attestation in the context of digitalization. Innovation and Sustainability, (3), 90–102. Retrieved from





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