Recovery of financial resources as a tool for ensuring the economic security of agricultural enterprises




security, stability, risks, financial resources, reproduction, economic security


Under the conditions of an unstable economic situation, increased competition and challenges of the external environment, in particular climate change, innovative development and geopolitical risks, the reproduction of financial resources becomes a critically important aspect of the stability and successful operation of agricultural enterprises. The economic security of the organization plays a decisive role in its sustainable functioning and development, requiring a comprehensive approach to protecting the interests of the enterprise in the conditions of globalization and competition. It is important to ensure financial sustainability as a key success factor that allows you to effectively manage resources, attract investments and adapt to changes. To ensure financial stability and economic security, it is necessary to analyze threats, develop strategies, control and manage risks, comply with legislation and develop human resources. The level of economic security of the enterprise is determined by the control of its indicators. This allows you to identify potential risks that can turn into real threats to the financial stability of the enterprise. The company's ability to cope with adverse impacts and threats directly depends on its financial condition and stability, since without financial resources it is impossible to implement measures to prevent or compensate for potential problems. Financial resources ensure the continuity of production and other processes, in particular the purchase of materials, payment of personnel, covering current costs. It was determined that the reproduction of financial resources is an important tool in creating reserves and reserves that can be used in case of unforeseen circumstances. It promotes diversification of income sources and allows agricultural enterprises to be more flexible in case of market fluctuations. It is noted that financial security is closely related to the distribution and investment of resources: effective management and distribution of finances allow avoiding crisis situations, ensuring timely renewal of fixed assets, development of new areas of activity and reduction of costs.

Author Biography

Ihor BOHDANIUK, National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine

Candidate of Legal Sciences, Senior Researcher, Deputy Director for Organizational Scientific Work and Technology Transfer of the Livestock Farming Institute


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How to Cite

BOHDANIUK І. (2024). Recovery of financial resources as a tool for ensuring the economic security of agricultural enterprises. Innovation and Sustainability, (3), 169–176.





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