Theoretical and methodological foundations for the implementation of controlling and monitoring systems in agro-industrial enterprises
monitoring, controlling, agro-industrial enterprises, resource optimization, ERP systemsAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the theoretical and methodological foundations for the implementation of controlling and monitoring systems in agro-industrial enterprises. The purpose of the article is to analyze, systematize, summarize, and improve the theoretical and methodological support for the implementation of controlling and monitoring systems in agro-industrial enterprises. The article examines modern approaches to the implementation of monitoring and controlling systems in enterprises, which play a significant role in ensuring their effective operation. It is substantiated that modern methods of controlling and monitoring, based on big data analysis, digital technologies, and management systems, are becoming an essential tool for strategic development. It is determined that monitoring allows for obtaining real-time information about the state of production processes, identifying deviations from planned indicators, and adjusting activities in real-time. It is noted that controlling performs an integrative function between management decisions and production results, ensuring continuous analysis of the enterprise's economic efficiency. Special attention is given to agro-industrial enterprises, where the implementation of such systems helps optimize resource use, reduce costs, and increase profitability. The article discusses modern monitoring methods, including the use of remote sensing, the Internet of Things, geographic information systems, drones, and artificial intelligence. The importance of environmental controlling for compliance with ecological standards is also emphasized. It is concluded that managing agro-industrial enterprises requires the use of comprehensive control systems that contribute to the optimization of production processes and increased operational efficiency. In particular, the control within such systems should focus on monitoring the execution of planned tasks, assessing performance results, and timely detecting possible deviations. The article highlights the importance of implementing ERP systems to integrate financial, strategic, and operational management, which allows for the optimization of business processes and enhances enterprise competitiveness in the context of globalization.
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