Peculiarities of staff motivation in higher education institutions




Higher education institution, motivation, personnel, scientific and pedagogical personnel, material incentives, non-material incentives, moral and psychological climate


To ensure the effectiveness of activities, paying significant attention to personnel management is necessary.

The issue of staff motivation is significant for higher education institutions. Staff motivation will determine the level of educational services provided and the place of the higher education institution in the higher education system. Given the decrease in the number of applicants caused by the mass deportation of children abroad in connection with the war, competition for the opportunity to study students is significantly increasing among higher education institutions.

That is why it is crucial to assess the motivation of higher education institution staff and determine areas for increasing its efficiency.

Theoretical and practical aspects of staff motivation are the subject of research by Ukrainian and international scientists.

At the same time, the issue of studying the features of staff motivation in higher education institutions remains insufficiently studied.

The study's purpose is to develop a mathematical model for determining the level of motivation of employees of higher education institutions.

As a result of the research conducted based on an analysis of the characteristics of motivation of employees of higher education institutions, a mathematical model for determining the level of employee motivation based on considering the influence of material and non-material incentives has been proposed. The proposed model is a set of differential equations.


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How to Cite

Yepifanova І., & Dzhedzhula В. (2024). Peculiarities of staff motivation in higher education institutions. Innovation and Sustainability, (4), 189–195.





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