management, environmental management, enterprise, production, economyAbstract
The article is a view of environmental management according to modern scientific concepts. The authors considered the essence of environmental management as a system. The main tasks of the environmental management system at enterprises and the advantages of its introduction into the production activities of enterprises are defined. Today, the majority of ukrainian enterprises are only adapting to the already existing international norms and legal acts in the field of resource conservation and rational use of nature, which have been widely used around the world for some time. In our opinion, the implementation of the environmental management system should not be compulsory, but instead, it should be fixed in the form of internal rules for conducting modern business, taking into account its environmental friendliness, energy efficiency and profitability. Today, the state of affairs in the field of ecology and business is such that one is impossible without the other. The close relationship between the financial industry and the environment, where production actually takes place, determines the harmonious coexistence of both components in its process.
According to modern production trends, the implementation of the environmental management system at the enterprise requires certain costs and investments for environmental protection. It is worth noting that the costs are also associated with training employees, and not only with improving the technological process. At ukrainian enterprises, unfortunately, insufficient attention is paid to the impact of production on the surrounding environment in particular and environmental protection activities in general. This fact is possible due to the low economic interest in implementing measures for the implementation of the environmental management system. However, this is so at first glance and contradicts the modern philosophy of business and, in fact, production.
In the work, the authors summarize the scientific achievements that highlight certain issues of modern environmental management in the form of the main principles of its regulation, implementation and modeling in the form of a system. The analysis of the latest scientific works on environmental management was carried out in order to determine the main principles and stages of the implementation of the environmental management system at the enterprise and the likely directions of further development of this industry.
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