innovation strategy, strategic zone of innovation activity, agricultural enterprisesAbstract
The article substantiates the components of the organizational and economic mechanism of forming an innovative strategy of agrarian enterprises and the development of its architecture. The basis of the formation of the specified mechanism is the emergence of signs of the emergence of interactions of industrial and commercial components of management of innovative development through the identification of separate management and production strategies to ensure the appropriate level of effectiveness for the growth of economic efficiency. The latter should be formed in the context of the possibility of solving the problems of extended reproduction and increasing the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises through the introduction of innovations in general. The economic toolkit in this mechanism will perform a stimulating function, ensure the realization of interests between all market participants and the flow of auxiliary processes, as well as regulate the responsibility of business entities through economic relations. They are the basis that should determine the procedures for the formation and implementation of innovative strategies, as well as determine the level of achieved financial results of the production and commercial activities of enterprises. The criteria and groups of indicators for the identification and analysis of the strategic zone of innovative activity of the enterprise are singled out, in particular: provision of production resources; availability and supply of material and technical resources; efficiency of production activity; competitiveness of products, their position on the market. It is emphasized that due to the complexity of the formation and functioning of strategic zones of innovative activity, a number of problematic issues arise before agrarian commodity producers. Among them, the discrepancy between production capacities and their innovative potential should be singled out. That is, it is impossible to quickly change one's own production capabilities in accordance with the competitive situation on the market. This applies not only to the material and technical support of the production process, but also to the innovative direction of enterprises in general, including the possibility of creating improved products. Therefore, in the study, special attention is paid to the strategy of diversification of production in agricultural enterprises, as the main tool for mobilizing the innovative investment and economic potential of the economic entity.
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