


fuel, and energy sector, fuel, energy, hydropower, nuclear power, complex, renewable energy sources, structure of the energy complex, fuel crisis, energy strategies, combined gas transportation system, electric power enterprises, energy conservation policy, fuel, and energy sector, hydropower, nuclear power, renewable energy sources


The energy potential of Ukraine under wartime conditions has been clarified. The work of scientists, researchers, and practitioners regarding the goals and strategies of developing the fuel and energy potential system is analyzed. The main approaches to its formation and structure are outlined. Significant flaws in the organizational and territorial significance of the fuel and energy complex of Ukraine are outlined. It became known that the energy and hydropower industries lagged the main branches of fuel and energy resources relative to the broad scale of the increase in energy consumption. This, in turn, provoked a shortage of coal mass consumption at the state electric and thermal capacities. It was determined that after the collapse of the USSR, in Ukraine, the energy system occupied the first place in the state economy. Its priority was the satisfaction of the potential of the domestic energy demand, as well as exports to the countries of the European Union. This process supplies primary energy resources, including oil products, natural gas, oil, and nuclear fuel. At the same time, Ukraine somehow failed to form an adequate basis for the implementation of energy policy with the aim of stable and balanced development of the energy sector and the formation of a system of energy independence from foreign suppliers. It is known that once, the energy industry of Ukraine became the leading supplier of energy raw materials for other countries. As a result of the analysis of indicators regarding the income of companies in various industries, it can be stated that in 2021, the Ukrainian economy will remain raw-based and will continue. Even though the solution to the problems of the existence of the fuel and energy complex of Ukraine is aimed at achieving national goals, at the same time, there are minor problems. Therefore, in our opinion, the short-term and long-term stages of its implementation should be considered when developing an appropriate strategy. As for the effectiveness of the mentioned strategy, it is worth justifying the necessary conceptual toolkit and the methodological directions for further generalization. Considering the content of the Energy Strategy of Ukraine until 2035, "Security, energy efficiency, competitiveness," we believe it is worth developing appropriate types of energy strategies regarding the increasing level of energy efficiency, strengthening the norms and principles of energy security.


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How to Cite

Matiichuk , L. (2023). STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONING SYSTEM OF THE FUEL AND ENERGY COMPLEX OF UKRAINE. Innovation and Sustainability, (4), 109–118.





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