export-import operations, economic security, enterprise, strategic policy, management, efficiency, provision, promotionAbstract
The peculiarities of export-import operations and their role in the development and ensuring the economic security of enterprises are determined. Scientific approaches to the organization of export-import operations of enterprises are summarized. The types of strategic policy for increasing the efficiency of export-import operations in the system of ensuring the economic security of enterprises are identified: innovative; diversified; international; globalization; cooperative The importance of the formation of organizational, institutional, financial and credit and other prerequisites for enterprises to achieve the necessary level of efficiency of export-import operations has been proven. The means of increasing the efficiency of export-import operations in the system of ensuring the economic security of enterprises include the development of logistics relations, the implementation of currency risk insurance practices, the improvement of product supply schemes, and the establishment of continuous transport support. Strategic guidelines for increasing the efficiency of export-import operations in the system of ensuring the economic security of enterprises have been determined, which are proposed to be divided into different levels based on priority and expected future trends. It was emphasized that the list of strategic tasks and goals of enterprises should constantly change and be oriented to short-term changes in the market, the country’s economy, and the global environment. Increasing the efficiency of export-import operations of enterprises depends on a significant number of factors, which, moreover, change rapidly, and for this it is necessary, first of all, to form an internal organizational management system that will successfully carry out a complete design of the trends of internal and external markets, the globalization environment, etc. The importance of legislative-legal, normative-methodical, institutional-organizational and other support, which corresponds to modern world standards and is constantly improving and becoming quite attractive for the development of export-import and other areas of economic activity, has been proven.
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