machine-building industry, financial component of economic security, economic security, financial stability, integral indicatorAbstract
The paper examines the peculiarities of the financial component of economic security of the leading machine-building enterprises of the Vinnytsia region. The basic principles of forming the financial component of the enterprise's economic security have been revealed. An analysis was carried out using the integral indicator of the financial component of economic security based on a set of indicators - return on capital, capital adequacy ratio, coverage ratio, quick liquidity ratio, absolute liquidity ratio, autonomy ratio, financial stability ratio, long-term financial independence ratio, equity maneuverability ratio, ratio of turnover of receivables and payables, coefficient of change of turnover of working capital, coefficient of change of balance currency, coefficient of change of net profit, return on equity, return on assets, return on sales. The preliminary results of the enterprises' activities and their impact to the level of the financial component of the economic security of the enterprises were analyzed. A significant excess of deviations of the integral indicator of financial security of PJSC "Vinnytsia Research Plant" was established, which was due to profitable work results due to stable orders from buyers, which were ensured by high quality products. The positive results of PJSC "Vinnytsia Zavod "Mayak" were ensured due to the stable growth of such indicators as the absolute liquidity ratio, the autonomy ratio, the financial stability ratio, and the ratio of changes in net profit. It has been proven that these two enterprises carry out stable and economically efficient activities, and therefore, the results can be interpreted as an indicator of a high level of management and the financial component of the economic security of these enterprises. It has been investigated that the indicator of financial security of PrJSC "Kalynivskyi engineering plant" and PrJSC "Mohyliv-Podilskyi engineering plant" shows slight deviations compared to the average value, which requires more detailed studies of the specific features of the work of these enterprises in order to identify the set of factors that shape these are the results of the work.
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