land reform, land resources, land relations, displacement management, land marketAbstract
The article examines the question of determining the place of land reform in the management of shifts in the use of land resources. The modern consequences of the land reform in Ukraine are analyzed. The main stages of changes in the use of land resources through the prism of the normative and legal component of land reform are highlighted. To date, as a result of the land reform, significant transformations have taken place: the monopoly of state ownership of land has been eliminated; collective farms and state farms were reorganized, land was privatized; a significant layer of peasant farms was formed; a land use fee was introduced, the agricultural land market was declared and opened.
It was established that the civilized functioning of the land market is impossible without an effective mechanism for managing shifts in the use of land resources. A structural and logical scheme of the mechanism for managing shifts in the use of land resources is proposed and the place of land reform in it is highlighted. It is emphasized that this mechanism consists of two interrelated parts: legal and economic mechanisms that interact through land management, state land cadastre and land monitoring. The legal basis of land ownership includes: rights of ownership, use, disposal of land; state guarantees of preservation and strengthening of property; responsibility of landowners for rational use of land. The economic mechanism for the regulation of land relations is a system of measures of economic influence aimed at the implementation of the land policy of the state, ensuring fair payments for land, economic stimulation of rational and efficient land use, introduction of economic sanctions for irrational use and deterioration of the ecological condition of land plots. It includes both types of relations in the use of land shares and land plots by individuals and legal entities, local self-government bodies and the state, as well as economic tools for regulating these relations. The role of the free market of agricultural land in the development of land relations is emphasized.
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