



motivation, organizational culture, conditions, values, behavior


Modern managers strive to use the potential of organizational culture and motivational system in their activities in order to create efficient production, increase labor productivity and harmonize social and labor relations. The organization's culture is formed in the industrial and social environment under the influence of market requirements and in the direction of meeting the needs of customers and its own interests. It is impossible to create a successfully working organization if it is not adapted to changes in the environment. On the other hand, it is impossible to imagine an organization that does not have its own internal space, its principles and laws of interaction, its internal organizational climate and its approach to solving the problems of internal integration and cohesion. For the formation of organizational culture, it is not enough to simply write down the values, attitudes, and standards adopted for the enterprise. In order for these standards to be applied by employees in their practical activities, it is necessary to develop specific measures for employees of the organization that would motivate them to follow the developed system of corporate values. Almost all conscious behavior of people is motivated or determined by specific reasons. It is necessary to find out what motivates and what are the needs of employees in order to direct their behavior and motivate them to fulfill the assigned task. Organizational culture, as a tool of social influence on personnel, is interconnected with the motivation system, it is the main means of harmonizing the interests of employees and the organization as a whole. Any strong organization with a developed culture and as a motivation system for its survival and prosperity, it must be able to adapt to constantly changing environmental conditions, listen to the wishes of its employees, take into account which motivational factors encourage them to perform their duties, and which, on the contrary, demotivate them, because employees are the main resources of the organization in achieving goals. By forming a system of values in the personnel of the organization within the framework of the organizational culture, it is possible to predict, plan and stimulate the desired behavior.


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How to Cite

Yaniieva Д. (2022). EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION SYSTEM OF THE IT SPHERE ORGANIZATION. Innovation and Sustainability, (4), 186–192. https://doi.org/10.31649/ins.2022.4.186.192





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