


economic mechanism, environmental obligations, resource conservation, nature management, global challenges


Russia's war against Ukraine worsened the ecological situation, creating the prerequisites for a nuclear and energy hazard for the entire civilized world. Violating all international conventions and agreements the aggressor country threatens everyone with an energy collapse. Accordingly, such actions lead to the destabilization of processes and, at the same time, form new approaches to ensuring energy, environmental, and food security. An intensive transition to alternative sources of electricity is beginning, and new approaches to environmental protection and resource conservation are being formed. Despite the intensity of hostilities, national producers are forced to work and ensure production stability to balance the economy. Accordingly, there is an urgent need to improve the economic mechanism for resource conservation and nature management, which will increase the competitiveness of national production on world markets and the post-war recovery of the economy.

The article's purpose is to justify the economic mechanism of ensuring resource conservation and nature management by modern global challenges.

The mechanisms for fulfilling Ukraine's environmental obligations have been systematized, among which the most significant is determined to be: the introduction of an environmental management and audit system, the creation of a system for stimulating the use of waste as a source of energy for the production of heat and electricity, implementation of a system for trading quotas for greenhouse gas emissions. It is substantiated that bioenergy is one of the alternative energy sources for the production of which Ukraine has significant potential. Agricultural biomass is a promising energy source thanks to favorable natural and climatic conditions. Compared to other sources, it is the most accessible and cheaper energy source, which involves waste-free production aimed at meeting the population's needs in energy resources and food. It has been investigated that the main obstacles to the cultivation of energy plants and the production of thermal energy on this basis are that they are not included in the classification of crops, and the legislative framework and regulatory policy in this area have yet to be created. A conceptual diagram of the economic mechanism for resource conservation and nature management has been developed. It is based on organizational-methodological, financial, and informational development, taking into account modern principles, tools, and methods of its implementation and considering global challenges.


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How to Cite

Irtyshcheva . І., Kramarenko І., Stehnei . М., & Boyko Є. . (2022). THE ECONOMIC MECHANISM OF ENSURING RESOURCE CONSERVATION AND NATURAL USE IN THE CONDITIONS OF GLOBAL CHALLENGES. Innovation and Sustainability, (4), 223–231.





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