maritime industry, enterprises of maritime transport, corporate strategy, geographical features, technological progress, environmental requirements, competition.Abstract
Maritime industry plays an important role in the world economy, and its unique characteristics create special challenges and opportunities for the development of strategic decisions of enterprises at the corporate level. The purpose of the paper is to systematize the characteristic features of maritime transport enterprises and study their influence on the development of corporate strategy. In the work were used such methods of scientific research as logical and comparative analysis, dialectical and logical methods, method of analysis and synthesis.
As a result of the study, the characteristic features of maritime transport enterprises that influence the development of corporate strategy are summarized, in particular: the work analyzes the impact on the development of strategic decisions of the type and size of maritime transport enterprises, geographical features of location, international context of activity, technological progress and innovative development, environmental requirements, the competitive situation on the market, logistical challenges, financial risks, regulatory features and the need to ensure the safety of activities.
The process of consolidation of carriers and ports is shown on the example of the container market. Given the significant amount of investment required to acquire modern vessels, large operators have more chances to improve their competitiveness. The geographical location of the enterprise affects the choice of optimal routes, competitiveness and access to sea transportation markets. It is shown that the development of technologies, digitalization and innovations in shipping are key elements of production and sales systems and their distribution networks, including transport and logistics. Optimal management of logistics processes is an important element of strategic planning of maritime transport enterprises. It is demonstrated that using of blockchain technology to ensure transparency of information about the movement of goods in supply chains. Financial requirements and risks affect the possibilities of expansion, modernization and effective activity of maritime companies. Strategic planning should take into account international and national regulatory rules and requirements, as well as ensure a high level of safety and quality of services. The paper also identifies the need to solve the problem of cyber security, to fulfill environmental requirements for the sustainable development of maritime transport enterprises, which should be reflected in the corporate strategy.
The practical value of the study is that its results can be used in the process of developing a corporate strategy of maritime transport enterprises, taking into account all the components of the specifics of the industry to increase the efficiency of their functioning and development.
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