management, governance, integrated assessment, fuzzy-multiple approach, linguistic approach, business indicators, components of effective management, competitive environmentAbstract
The article evaluates the effectiveness of enterprise management with the help of complex of components of management efficiency: financial-economic, technical-technological, labor, partnership, image-brand, administrative and component of corporate management, to find out the content characteristics of the relevant components management efficiency and determine diagnostic business indicators.The evaluation process effectively-STI corporate management of the enterprises were considered in the system of integral estimation of efficiency of management, which consists of two units: co-quantitative assessment of management effectiveness and qualitative assessment of the management, which is based on the usage of the absolute and relative indicators of enterprises of the mining complex. Was used to evaluate the effectiveness of management of the enterprises. The combination of quantitative evaluations (fuzzy approach) and qualitative assessments (linguistic approach).Their combination into a single system inte-integral evaluation of efficiency of management of enterprises of mining complex will allow to create conditions for determining the critical points of the development, identification and elimination of defects management.The characteristics of the state of management efficiency of enterprises in accordance with the quantitative and linguistic evaluations of the scale of Harrington are identified.Descriptive characteristics of each state of the corresponding component of management effectiveness is focused only on material parameters and can not cover all possible options. In this regard, having better greater array of information that can guide by a range of appropriate inter-shafts of the scale of Harrington and define a certain level of management effectiveness. If there is any doubt conterning the choice between defined states, the expert method recommends to choose the most pessimi option taking into account the risks of forescing future states of the enterprise functioning. To ensure a high level of adequacy of the results of diagnostics of efficiency of management of enterprises there is a need to determine the significance of proposed components for analysis. The weights of significance of the individual components of the system of estimation of management efficiency is advisable to calculate based on the use of multi-criteria matrix approach, which involves pairwise comparison of the importance and priority of these components. The theoretical and methodological approach to the assessment of effective STI management enterprises hornaday-linking of the complex by constructing a system of integral evaluation. The use of methodological approaches for evaluating the effectiveness of management of enterprises allows to obtain the sequence quantitative evaluation and to identify the characteristics of the state effectively-STI management according to quantitative and linguistic evaluations of the scale of Harrington and build a matrix of weighting components of the efficiency of business management taking into account the stage of the life cycle in which the company resides.
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