potential, profitability, investment potential, external factors, internal factorsAbstract
It is important for enterprises to have a high level of investment potential. As an economic category, scientists began to investigate investment potential relatively recently. That is why the issue of investment potential management is quite relevant. The purpose of the article is to systematize approaches of determining the essence and features of the investment potential of food industry enterprises.
The work systematizes approaches of determining the essence of investment potential. Approaches of determining the essence of investment potential are summarized. It was determined that the investment potential is considered as a component of the economic potential, which, in addition to the investment potential, includes financial, production, personnel, innovation, intellectual, scientific and technical potential. Factors affecting the level of investment potential in terms of external and internal factors were studied. According to the objectivity of the occurrence and influence on the investment potential of the enterprise, objective, objectively - subjective and subjective factors are distinguished. Investment potential is defined as a set of financial resources of the enterprise and the possibility of achieving strategic development goals through the realization of the possibilities of mobilizing internal and external investment funds through the investment mechanism.
The state of management of the investment potential of food industry enterprises is analyzed using the example of PrJSC "Vinnytsia Kharchosmakova Factory". The analysis of the investment potential of PJSC "Vinnytsia Kharchosmakova Factory" for 2018-2020 was carried out. It was based on indicators of profitability, business activity, financial stability and liquidity. The conducted analysis showed that PJSC "Vinnytsia Kharchosmakova Factory" has a significant level of investment potential, as the company is profitable, has an appropriate level of business activity, is financially stable and liquid.
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