Development of investment market theory




investment market, buyer, seller, intermediary, real investment market, financial investment market


The paper examines the essence of the investment market and defines its main tasks. The main conditions for the active development of the investment market have been identified and described. The main approaches to the definition of objects, subjects and intermediaries of the investment market are analyzed. The directions and methods of state regulation of the investment market are revealed. The peculiarities of the division of the investment market into the market of real investment and the market of financial investment have been established. The essence of the real investment market is revealed through the market of capital investments, the market of real estate and the market of goods and innovations. At the same time, the financial investment market includes the stock, money and credit markets. The main principles of the functioning of the investment market in Ukraine have been identified, among which the most important are the principles of equality, regulation, investor protection, control, efficiency, transparency and competitiveness. It is proven that the state regulation of the investment market is carried out by two methods: economic, which covers economic aspects that directly affect market decisions, and administrative, which covers administrative aspects of influence on the investment market. The division of investment market subjects depending on the type of assets sold on the investment market is substantiated. Such characteristic signs of the development of the investment market as increasing competition for investment assets, opportunities to support certain sectors of the economy, the use of financial opportunities of accelerated economic development, the collapse of the theory of free economic zones and priority development territories in Ukraine, the dominance of the interests of large economic entities, the gradual increase in the number of small, independent participants in the investment market, the growth of financial literacy of the population and their willingness to invest both directly as private investors and indirectly by acquiring the status of a client of insured companies.

Author Biography

Anna VITIUK, Vinnytsia National Technical University

PhD in Economics,
Associate Professor Associate Professor of the Department of Management, Marketing and Economics


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How to Cite

VITIUK А. (2024). Development of investment market theory. Innovation and Sustainability, (2), 60–68.





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