Theoretical aspects of the strategy for the positioning of agricultural enterprises as a tool for increasing their competitiveness




agricultural enterprises, marketing strategies, brand, positioning, competitiveness of enterprises


Statement of the problem As a result of the significant aggravation of competition caused by market relations, the agro-industrial sector in Ukraine is forced to implement new approaches in the management of economic development, to carry out and improve marketing activities, paying more attention to marketing strategies - a key tool for the development of agribusiness.

The agrarian-industrial complex is a strategically important branch of the national economy, and therefore requires a thorough study of the prospects for the development of regions in which agriculture significantly affects the socio-economic development of the territory.

Modern conditions of economic development dictate the need to implement modern marketing strategies for the development of agro-industrial enterprises using a comprehensive approach to marketing technologies and innovations, which will ensure an increase in the competitiveness of agricultural production on domestic and foreign markets. Marketing strategies for the positioning of agricultural enterprises increase their competitiveness, attractiveness, and strengthen their reputation in comparison with competitors.

In this regard, there is a practical need to increase the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises with the implementation of effective marketing strategies for positioning and brand management, strategies for discounts and seasonal offers, formation and evaluation of one's position on the market, formation of the image of the company's products as high-quality and unique. This determines relevance of the topic and the need for research in this direction.

Author Biographies

Viktoriya BILYK, Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National University of Cherkasy

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Educational and Socio-Cultural Management and Social Work

Vira SHPILEVA, Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National University of Cherkasy

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Educational and Socio-Cultural Management and Social Work

Anna VOYNIKOVA, Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National University of Cherkasy

Lecturer at the Department of Educational and Socio-Cultural Management and Social Work


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How to Cite

BILYK В., SHPILEVA В., & VOYNIKOVA А. (2024). Theoretical aspects of the strategy for the positioning of agricultural enterprises as a tool for increasing their competitiveness. Innovation and Sustainability, (3), 145–150.





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