Strategic development of energy enterprises management




management, development, energy enterprises, strategy, innovation, mechanism


Taking into account the importance of strategic management of the enterprise in the energy industry, it is suggested to pay attention to the architecture of networks and innovations of a technical and technological nature. The features of the stages of strategic management of an enterprise for energy enterprises, such as identification of goals, analysis of the environment, formation, implementation and evaluation of strategy implementation, have been identified. It is emphasized that the formation of the basis of the methodology for strategic development of energy enterprise management should be based on both economic factors and the social significance of the services provided in order to ensure a balance between the interests of consumers and the needs of energy enterprises in sustainable development and infrastructure maintenance. A list of key indicators for analyzing the environment before forming a strategy is provided, in particular, business processes and their architecture; client segment; personnel development and innovation; financial indicators. The mechanism of strategic development of an energy enterprise is schematically depicted, the initial parameters of which are sustainable development, investment attractiveness, reliability and competitiveness of the company. A brief technical description of individual types of energy networks (electricity, gas transmission and gas distribution) is given. It is emphasized that the implementation of European practices, decentralization of generation, principles of energy markets, real work of energy markets with a high level of integrity of all participants should become the basis for the strategic development of energy companies. The main recommendations that can be formed regarding the strategic development of energy enterprises are given, including a focus on renewable energy sources; digitalization of processes; personnel development; flexible strategic planning and increasing energy efficiency.


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How to Cite

KORNIJENKO А., HORAL Л., & VOITKIV Л. . (2024). Strategic development of energy enterprises management. Innovation and Sustainability, (4), 149–154.





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