



goods movement, transportation, logistics system, transport


The development of international logistics is an important area of economic development of the country. Within the functioning of international logistics systems, a significant number of tasks are solved: planning the transport process, choosing the method of transportation, deciding on forwarding, implementation of customs procedures at state borders, organization of warehousing and storage of goods. The activity of organizing international logistics is not limited to transportation and warehousing procedures. Modern international logistics is the development of the concept of supply chain management on a transnational scale. The structural shifts that characterize the processes of world production and international trade are largely due to changes in the world transport complex. The globalization of international trade and the transnationalization of national companies involve the unimpeded movement of resources and goods, which is objectively impossible without the transport complex. Transport is the basis for the formation of domestic and international markets and ensures the full-scale development of a market economy. Transport serves almost all types of international economic relations. In essence, transport operations begin and end the process of implementing a foreign trade agreement, the cost of transporting products is directly taken into account and included in the price of goods or are expressed in it indirectly. The level of satisfaction of consumer needs in quality goods and services depends on the level of transport and logistics services. The interaction of different modes of transport, warehouses and other elements of the transport and logistics system complement each other, work for the end result - meeting the needs of consumers, taking into account the interests of all stakeholders (stakeholders).


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How to Cite

Shevchuk А. (2022). LOGISTICS SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR INTERNATIONAL MOVEMENT. Innovation and Sustainability, (2), 155–162. https://doi.org/10.31649/ins.2022.2.155.162





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