



sustainable development, enterprise, stakeholder, project selection, project management


The paper provides reasons for considering sustainable development paradigm as the most efficient and effective way for Ukrainian enterprises to achieve goals of post-war revitalization fast. Furthermore, the study substantiates that the sustainable development of enterprises, which is corporate sustainable development uniting corporate social accountability and shared social responsibility, in the conditions of post-war reconstruction of Ukraine can be ensured on the basis of achieving a balance between the interests of stakeholders and the company's ability to implement sustainable development projects. In order to provide corporate sustainable development, the study offers distinguishing three types of stakeholders: those who do economic pressures towards enterprise, those who do social pressure and those who do environmental pressures on corporate management. It is proposed to determine the group common interest of the company's stakeholders, expressed in terms of the benefits they want to receive and the contributions they are ready to make to sustainable development projects, using the method of cluster analysis. It has been proven that the subjective assessments of stakeholders regarding the value of any sustainable development project for them influence the choice of the final project of sustainable development that corresponds to the capabilities of the enterprise. This is due to the property of discreteness of the amounts of benefits and contributions to the projects of sustainable development of the enterprise, with the help of which the group common interest of stakeholders is set. The process of comparing sustainable development projects that represent the interests of stakeholders with projects that meet the company's capabilities is shown, and the scientific and practical task of choosing the final project based on the balance of stakeholders' interests and the company's capabilities is described. The stages of ensuring the sustainable development of the enterprise on the basis of taking into account the interests of stakeholders during the implementation of projects in the social, economic and environmental spheres are analyzed. It is substantiated that it is advisable to solve the task of choosing projects of sustainable development of the enterprise under the influence of subjective assessments of stakeholders using the method of fuzzy sets. Creating fuzzy variables connected to stakeholders’ assessments of endeavors allows managers of enterprises to ensure sustainable development project selection considering stakeholders’ subjective impact factor


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How to Cite

Pashkevych М. ., Pistunov . І. ., & Huannan Л. . (2022). JUSTIFICATION OF THE INFLUENCE OF STAKEHOLDERS’ SUBJECTIVE ASSESSMENTS ON THE CHOICE OF PROJECTS FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF AN ENTERPRISE. Innovation and Sustainability, (4), 8–21. https://doi.org/10.31649/ins.2022.4.8.21





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