


trade marketing, advertising management, customer loyalty


The article highlights the main problems of using trade marketing as one of the most effective advertizing management tools for managing consumer loyalty. It is indicated on the relevance of the topic under conditions of market relations for enterprises. The works of scientists involved in the study of these issues have been analyzed, and insufficiently investigated aspects are singled out. It is noted that current trends to increase competition in the market of retail trade establishments in Ukraine require enterprises to intensify efforts in order to motivate consumers to make a purchase and maintain their loyalty.

Emphasis is placed on the fact that the use of trade marketing tools is aimed at increasing the consumer value of goods for end consumers. The target audience to which trade marketing tools are directed is indicated. The main tools of trade marketing for the target audience to which they are directed and its modern trade marketing tools are considered. A special place of merchandising in the management of the activities of a retail enterprise based on trade marketing is indicated. Formulated indicators, which determine the effectiveness of the implementation of trade marketing tools in the activities of retail enterprises.

The main tools of trade marketing are illustrated depending on the place of implementation and method of application. It is noted that every year some marketing tools lose their effectiveness, others become more important.It was emphasized that due to quarantine restrictions triggered by COVID-19, remote, contactless sales became especially relevant, which contributed to the emergence of new trade marketing tools.

To identify problems in the work of the company was conducted marketing research through a survey of consumers of its products. At the beginning of the study, we put forward several hypotheses about the situation at the enterprise. As a result of the study, some hypotheses were confirmed and some were refuted.

It was concluded that the development and implementation of trade marketing tools in the activities of a retail trade institution will contribute to retaining existing customers and attracting new ones, stimulating buyers to make repeat purchases, forming emotional attachment and customer loyalty to the institution, improving the advertising and communication policy of the institution, increasing sales.


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How to Cite

Boiko Р., & Andrushkevych З. . (2022). TRADE MARKETING AS A TOOL FOR ADVERTIZING MANAGEMENT AND CUSTOMER LOYALTY MANAGEMENT. Innovation and Sustainability, (4), 54–59.





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