Peer-review process
Peer-review process
- The review procedure includes several stages.
- All manuscripts are initially treated by editors to assess their compliance with the requirements of the journal and the subject.
After the editor decision the manuscripts are sent to reviw.
The manuscript goes double blind peer review: neither the authors nor the reviewers do not know each other.
Reviewing exists to ensure that journals publish high-quality research.
- Consideration of the article by two reviewers. All materials are evaluated according to criteria (originality, innovativeness, relevance of results in their field, theoretical basis and review of research and already available publications, methodology, literacy, adherence to editorial requirements).
- Based on the review, the author can receive one of the following answers:
- Publish as is;
- accept with minor amendments (accept with minor revisions);
- accept with significant amendments (accept with major revisions)
- Decline (if significant reworking is required. But the author may submit the revised material again);
- Decline without resubmission (if the material has fundamental flaws, contains plagiarism or does not correspond to the subject of the publication).