


digital technologies, digitalization, marketing, Internet marketing, digital communications, agrarian business, agricultural enterprises


The article focuses on the relevance of the issues of formation and implementation of the intra-corporate policy of digitalization of marketing of agrarian enterprises. It was established that the aspects of digitization and realization of its potential directly in the segment of agricultural enterprises in Ukraine are still not sufficiently developed.

Therefore, the purpose of the study is to improve the methodological and applied principles and provisions of identification and substantiation of directions for strengthening the digitalization of marketing of agricultural enterprises. The advantages of the formation and development of digital management systems at domestic enterprises in general, as well as directly in the field of digitalization of their marketing systems and complexes, are emphasized. Prospective directions of digitalization of marketing of agrarian enterprises are determined by the following components: (1) product policy, (2) price policy, (3) policy of promotion and stimulation of product sales, (4) policy of product positioning on the market.

The problematic aspects of the formation of an environment of digital marketing of agricultural enterprises in Ukraine are reflected. The strategic stages of the policy of development and expansion of the priority directions of digital marketing of agrarian business entities have been determined. The system of structural blocks of the program of digitalization of agricultural enterprise marketing is substantiated, in particular - initial conditions, policy goal, goals and directions of regulation, globalization block, financial-resource and organizational-management support, monitoring and adjustment tools. The toolkit for monitoring the digitalization of marketing of agricultural enterprises has been defined, which involves taking into account the system of indicators in three groups: (1) development of the intra-corporate digital system, (2) digital modernization of business processes, (3) harmonization and convergence of intra-corporate digital systems into the global system of the digital economy of Ukraine and the EU.


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How to Cite

Koberniuk С. ., & Karpenko В. . (2023). DIRECTIONS OF DIGITALIZATION OF MARKETING OF AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES. Innovation and Sustainability, (1), 204–212.





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