



The article examines the current problems of the functioning of the pension system under martial law. The article includes an analysis of the latest research and publications on the issue, and also considers the practical aspects of analyzing the income of the Pension Fund of Ukraine and the level of poverty of Ukrainian pensioners. The purpose of the article is to justify the current trends in filling the Pension Fund of Ukraine at the expense of various instruments under the conditions of wartime, which Ukraine is experiencing from 2022. The article examines the main tasks of maintaining the stability of the pension system, analyzes the dynamics of the formation of income of the Pension Fund of Ukraine for 2010-2022, poverty indicators calculated for pensioners who receive the minimum and average pension for 2010-2022. The article also provides options for increasing the level of pension provision in the conditions of martial law and the post-war recovery of Ukraine’s economy. It is substantiated that the promising areas of research in the context of the development of the pension system in Ukraine are scientific investigations into the functioning of the social security system in general due to the need to support war veterans and military personnel


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How to Cite

Dluhopolskyi, O., & Rudyk Ю. (2023). ПРОБЛЕМИ ТА РИЗИКИ ФУНКЦІОНУВАННЯ СИСТЕМИ ПЕНСІЙНОГО ЗАБЕЗПЕЧЕННЯ УКРАЇНИ ЗА УМОВ ВОЄННОГО СТАНУ. Innovation and Sustainability, (4), 19–29. https://doi.org/10.31649/ins.2023.4.19.29





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