Using the EFQM excellence model in the analysis of safety-oriented management in healthcare facilities




healthcare institution, safety-oriented management, analysis, model of excellence EFQM, transformation of the model, operationalization of the model, quantification of the model


The article demonstrates the usefulness of using the EFQM excellence model in the analysis of safety-oriented management in healthcare facilities, for which operationalization of the model is necessary. Operationalization involves the process of transforming a rather abstract model by definition into specific analytical actions (methods, operations, or criteria) that need to be performed in the analysis. The content and purpose of the model, as well as its transformation through non-principal but clarifying and adaptive changes to approach the content of the model to the subject of analysis - security-oriented management of a healthcare institution, have been revealed. In the transformed EFQM excellence model, the original content and number of groups of elements (criteria) have been preserved, but the essence of the elements (criteria) and sub-criteria have been changed for model adaptation. In the transformed model of excellence EFQM, the original content, number of groups of elements (criteria) are retained, but the essence of the elements (criteria) and sub-criteria have been changed to adapt the model. The transformed model of excellence EFQM, in terms of the number of components (elements), is stable, in their interrelationships - coherent and, accordingly, balanced, which allows obtaining sufficiently reasoned conclusions regarding the state of safety-oriented management of a healthcare facility.

The transformed EFQM excellence model is quantified, allowing for a quasi-quantitative assessment of its subcriteria in points, the sum of which across all elements of the model provides a quasi-quantitative assessment of the state of safety-oriented management of the healthcare facility as a whole. In the operationalization of the transformed EFQM excellence model, significant importance is attributed to the organizational aspect, which involves the delegation of tasks and responsibilities of employees participating in the analysis, establishing communication chains, forms of intermediate and final analysis results using the model.


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How to Cite

HARBUSIUK В. (2024). Using the EFQM excellence model in the analysis of safety-oriented management in healthcare facilities. Innovation and Sustainability, (4), 126–138.





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