Methodology for developing metrics to measure the effectiveness of triggers and customer interaction in modern marketing theory




triggers, reference points, touchpoints, micro-moments, metrics, digital marketing, loyalty, customer journey map


The article discusses the topical issue of measuring the effectiveness of triggers and customer interaction in modern marketing theory. Particular attention is paid to the integration of qualitative and quantitative approaches to assessing the interaction between the brand and the consumer at different stages of the customer journey. It is noted that in the context of increasing competition and digitalization of the market, triggers (reference points, contact points and micro-moments) play a key role, which affect consumer experience and decision-making. The effectiveness of these points of interaction largely determines the success of marketing campaigns and the level of consumer engagement. The article analyzes the role of reference points as key elements of influence that form an emotional connection with the consumer, contact points as tools for transmitting marketing messages, and micro-moments as short-term but crucial decision-making moments. The author proposes to integrate reference points, contact points, and micro-moments into a single system, which allows for more accurate prediction of consumer behavior.

The key metrics are systematized, taking into account the specifics of each concept, including the parameters of time, engagement and effectiveness, and taking into account such marketing categories as “need” and “value”. The proposed metrics make it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of marketing strategies through conversion rates, loyalty, brand awareness, and profitability growth in the context of reference points, contact points, and micro-moments.

The article conducts a comparative analysis of approaches to measuring the effectiveness of each of these concepts, and also forms a trajectory for choosing metrics depending on the objectives of the marketing strategy. The obtained results emphasize the importance of an integrated approach to evaluating the effectiveness and improving the planning of marketing campaigns, which allows maintaining a competitive position in a rapidly changing market environment.

Author Biographies

Valentyna BOBROVNYK, Khmelnytskyi National University

Cand. econ. Sciences, Associate Professor

Zinaida ANDRUSHKEVYCH, Khmelnytskyi National University

Cand. econ. Sciences, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

BOBROVNYK В., & ANDRUSHKEVYCH З. (2024). Methodology for developing metrics to measure the effectiveness of triggers and customer interaction in modern marketing theory. Innovation and Sustainability, (4), 163–173.





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